MONDAY 20th MAY 2024 Communal cooking session rooted in community care and joy! To connect, reflect & solidify our solidarity! 🔥✊🔥 NOURISHING RESISTANCE 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥 from 11 - 2 pm by Smells Like & Ayscha Omar


💫🐉🥠Chinese New Year🐲🥟✨

Spring Festival aka Chinese New Year is coming up next Saturday, 10. February - a perfect excuse to fire up the oven and welcome in the Year of the Dragon! Starting the oven at 11 am & starting to bake at around 2 - 3 pm.
For this occasion, we will prepare some Teigtaschen, which are still in the form of this festival food, but probably not the most Chinese traditional one.
Everyone is of course very welcome to bring their own dough, their own version of dumplings, or their own favourite type of festival food.
Just keep in mind that the the oven will be set to low-medium heat, which is perfect for bread, pie, cakes, etc, but not really for pizza.
We plan to start setting up around 11am, so hopefully the oven will be ready around 13-14pm.
The oven is currently located at the Sommerquartier. Your can find a map here:

A small donation for wood and space is always appreciated.
Hope to see you there!

NF_230122_0005_web_d0fhyf photo by Nico Fritzenschaft